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Prime Contractor’s safety mission is to provide a safe working environment for all workers employed at all project sites. This safety orientation is intended to provide each worker with a general overview of Prime’s expectations for conduct on-site, in accordance with Prime’s safety manual, to allow each person to go home safe every day. 


This safety orientation information is intended for Prime employees, subcontractors, workers, or anyone entering a Prime project site. It outlines specific safety rules that are mandatory for all individuals working on the project site. While these rules do not encompass all safety regulations, they are essential guidelines that the company wants to emphasize. Any violation of these project work rules may result in the removal from the job site.


  1. PPE - All employees must wear ANSI-approved hard hats, high-visibility clothing (vests/shirts) and safety glasses always while on the construction site. Hard hats should be worn correctly, with the bill forward.

  2. Eye/Face Protection - When using equipment like chippers, drills, power-actuated tools, grinders, and other tools that may produce flying objects, employees must wear face shields and safety glasses or goggles to protect their eyes and face. Safety glasses are always mandatory.

  3. Pants - Full-length pants are required, and they must be worn above the hips. Sagging pants or excessive length are not permitted.

  4. Shirts - Shirts must cover the entire mid-section, and sleeves must cover the entire shoulder. Sleeveless shirts, tank-tops, net shirts, halter tops, and similar attire are not allowed on the construction site.

  5. Boots - Work boots made of leather or similar material that are hard soles are mandatory.

  6. Horseplay - Activities such as gambling, fighting, or horseplay are strictly prohibited. Disruptive behavior to the project is grounds for disciplinary action.

  7. Prohibited - Unauthorized possession or use of alcohol, firearms, or illegal drugs on the project site is not allowed. Individuals found with any of these items on the job site or reporting to work under their influence will face immediate disciplinary action. Authorized persons may conduct searches of an employee's person and personal effects on the job site without prior notice. Employees who refuse such searches may also face immediate disciplinary action, including suspension or dismissal.

  8. Housekeeping - Proper disposal of trash in designated containers and maintaining good housekeeping in work areas is required throughout shifts.

  9. Speed - The maximum speed limit on the project site is 5 MPH.

  10. Heights - Employees working on surfaces six (6) feet or more above a lower elevation must be protected from falling by using a guardrail system, safety net system, or personal fall arrest.

  11. Fuel - Flammable and combustible liquids must be stored in approved metal safety cans, with clear identification of the type of liquid inside each container.

  12. Holes - All open holes, floor openings, and open-sided floors must be appropriately covered or barricaded.

  13. Vehicles - Only vehicles approved by the project manager or superintendent are allowed on the project site.

  14. Debris - Materials should not be dropped outside the exterior wall of the building unless using a chute.

  15. Violations - Theft or removal of property belonging to the Owner, PRIME, or another employee without written authorized permission is strictly prohibited. Negligent damage to property owned by the Owner, PRIME, or another employee will result in disciplinary action.

  16. Fire - Starting unauthorized fires is not allowed. Hot Work Permits are required.

  17. Restricted Areas - Unauthorized access to areas without permission is prohibited.

  18. Smoking - Smoking is only permitted in authorized areas. NOTE: Educational facilities and it’s associated property are designated as NO Smoking areas.

  19. Documentation - Falsification of project documents is a serious offense.

  20. Selling - Soliciting contributions, vending, or distributing written materials during working hours is not allowed.

  21. Pictures/Video - Unauthorized photography or video recording are prohibited.

  22. Sign-Out - Leaving the workplace or project premises without the supervisor’s authorization is not permitted.

  23. Abandonment - Walking off the job is considered a breach of company policies.



All employees working on any school district property may be required to have an access badge by the district. Failure to obtain, wear, or display district badges when required will result in immediate removal from the job site.



Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are authorized when taken in standard dosage or according to a physician's prescription. Both prescription and over-the-counter must: Be in the original container, have a clear legible label with the product name, and have a clear legible label with the prescription user’s name listed on the label.  Prime reserves the right to limit access or work activity of anyone using over the counter or prescription drugs if the use of those items create or could create a concern for the safety of anyone.



Entering Prime project property limits constitutes consent to searches and inspections. Searches can be conducted of all property onsite … including a search of the person. Refusal to submit to a requested search is considered a violation of the policy and subject to disciplinary action.


Drug and Alcohol Testing

Because of the importance of this policy and to ensure a drug and alcohol-free workplace, individuals working at or on “Company premises” or “Company property”, will be subject to the following drug and alcohol tests: pre-access testing, post-injury or incident testing, random testing and “for cause” testing. All tests may also include a test for alcohol.


Test Refusal

Refusal to submit to drug screen is a violation of PRIME’s safety policy and refusal to submit the required sample for testing will result in immediate termination or removal from a PRIME project.



Individuals or subcontractor employees whose test results are other than negative, positive, or refuse to test will be:


  • Suspended from all PRIME work locations for a minimum period of thirty (30) days.

  • Required to provide a negative drug test result dated at least thirty (30) days after the initial test and no more than three (3) days prior to the request to return to work.

  • Subject to approval to return to work by PRIME Project Management and Prime’s Executive Leadership.

  • Subject to ongoing, unannounced, follow-up testing for a period of one (1) year.

  • Suspended permanently from PRIME work locations if he/she tests positive a second time.



Safety Data Sheets on substances used on this construction site are available upon request. Contact Prime's Superintendent or Project Manager for access.



Report all accidents, no matter how small, to your supervisor and a Prime  Superintendent or representative immediately. For emergencies, dial 911. 



Refer to Prime's Site Safety Logistics plan posted on site. Contact Prime's Superintendent with any questions.



Only park in designated areas. Please obey all parking signage on site. Parking on site is at your own risk. Prime Contractors will not be responsible for damage, theft, or repairs to vehicles or personal property. 



 Daily sign-in & sign-out is required on all Prime projects. Shift hours are specific to each project and construction phase. Contact your Prime Superintendent or Project Manager regarding specific questions or special work hour requests. 



Enter & Exit the project from designated points only. Refer to Prime's Site Safety Logistics plan posted on site.



Work breaks and meals are to be taken only within designated areas. All trash and debris is the sole responsibility of the individual worker. Breaks occurring in active construction areas require the continued wear of ALL required PPE. 

Thanks for submitting!

NOTE: Workers onsite MUST sign the

NEW WORKER ORIENTATION LOG for each project site. An onsite physical copy of this information is required.

© 2023 by Prime Contractors Inc. 

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